monel 404

MONEL Nickel-Copper Alloy 404 (UNS N04404) is primarily used for professional electrical and electronic applications. The composition of MONEL Alloy 404 has been carefully adjusted to provide very low Curie temperatures, low permeability and good brazing properties.

Monel 404 alloy physical properties Density. 8.91 g / cm3 Melting point: 1300-1350 ℃ Its typical engineering applications are as follows. 1、Power station water supply and steam generator piping system. 2、The main part of heater and evaporator of salt plant. 3、Alkylation devices for sulfuric acid and hydrofluoric acid. 4、Industrial heat exchangers. 5. composite plates in crude oil distillation units. 6. wave guards in offshore installations. 7. propellers and pump shafts in seawater systems. 8. uranium and isotope separation systems in nuclear fuel production. 9. pumps and valves in hydrocarbon chlorination production. 10. MEA reboiler piping.

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