1J38 magnetic temperature compensating alloy

1J38 soft magnetic alloy which is a class of low Curie temperature (25 ℃ ~ 200 ℃) alloy, its ** characteristic is below the Curie temperature, the magnetic susceptibility value decreases sharply with increasing temperature, and almost linear relationship.

1J38 soft magnetic alloy is a class of low Curie temperature (25℃~200℃) alloy, whose ** characteristic is that the magnetic susceptibility value decreases sharply with increasing temperature below the Curie temperature, and almost shows a linear relationship. Examples of main characteristics and applications. Magnetic temperature compensated soft magnetic alloys are used for magnetic shunt compensation in electromagnetic circuits and permanent magnet circuits, where the magnetic inductance changes sharply with temperature in the ambient temperature range. 1J38 is an iron-nickel-chromium alloy containing about 13% Cr. The addition of a large amount of chromium reduces the Curie temperature and magnetic induction strength of the alloy, but also increases the resistivity and hardness of the alloy, and the sensitivity of the Curie and magnetic temperature characteristics of the alloy to fluctuations in composition is lower than that of iron-nickel binary alloys, so it is easier to control, and there is no low-temperature irreversible change, and its operating temperature range is -40~60℃, mainly used for Electricity meter and automobile instrument components. Features: Below Curie temperature, its magnetic induction strength decreases sharply and approximately linearly with the increase of temperature. Use: Magnetic splitting compensation element in electromagnetic circuits and permanent magnet circuits

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